Sunday, April 29, 2018

April 23, 2018

Dear Fam, 

The week went really well because I had some new learning experiences. 

My companion and I have decided to set a new goal and this goal is to follow the promptings of the Spirit without hesitating.

One example was that I was sitting in church and I was praying, and I got a strong impression to call two of our investigators. So, I quietly got up and left to call them. Interestingly I called them and no answered! I called again, and nobody answered.  I don’t know if this happens with lots of us. But sometimes I feel like the Lord tests us to see if we will listen to His Spirit. Later that night when we went to visit one of our investigators, we knocked on the door and she didn’t answer, we yelled for her name and clapped our hands and still no answer. So, we left to visit other people. 

As we were attempting to contact people, everything was falling through, and we ended up sitting on the curb and we said a prayer. Our first impression was to return to the original investigator's house. As we got there we knocked on the door and she answered! she was there and told us that she read the Book of Mormon and that she knew that it was true. 

“we will grow in the spirit of revelation and receive more and more Spirit-driven insight and direction" 
-Elder Rasband

When I was in a member’s house for lunch yesterday I realized something really interesting that made me think. 

This member has a little 7-year-old girl. She asked for some juice and her dad poured some juice in her cup. When she asked for more he looked in her cup to see that she hadn’t even drunken any of it. So, he said something that stuck out to me, he said "I will but more juice in your cup when you drink it". If she drank her juice, then he would have put more in her cup. 

I feel the same way when it comes to revelation.  If we ask we shall receive but the more, we follow the promptings the more we shall receive. If we just ask but not do anything why would we receive? it’s just like giving a child a cup of juice and if he doesn’t drink he doesn’t get more. 
 This week we are still thinking about which Christ like attribute we will study as a zone, but I think my companion and I are thinking about faith. 

Things are actually cooling down a bit, it rained on Sunday and it was actually pretty cool, none of our investigators went to church even though we offered to have a member take them in a car, but then again not even the members went because of the rain, it was sad. 

I’m appreciating my companion each day, we really push each other every day and I like getting feedback from him and he likes it from me. Like dad said feedback is key, we always ask our zone for feedback so that we can improve and always seek to get better. 

And Cole hasn’t even told me! that punk lol. tell him to send an email ha-ha. 
I hope everyone has a great week,

Thanks for all the tips and support that you all give me. 

Elder Toma

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