Thursday, November 24, 2016

November 21, 2016 First week in the mission field

Querido Família,

This week has been very different. First day I got off the plane and the land was so different and instantly 10 time hotter. I got my new companion which was the only American out of 9 other missionaries, he is super cool and has very good Portuguese and only speaks Portuguese with me so I never speak English haha. 
Brazilian MTC

Our first day went good we invited 4 fams to baptism and all 4 excepted. The language is a little harder because here in Macieo they speak a million times faster and have super thick accents then Sao Paulo. Many horses a million dogs and a few monkeys I will see on the street sometimes. ITs very poor here like houses are either homemade or the size of our living room. ITs so crazy here to because like girls will be 13 and pregnant and that’s like not even rare. Also, the hardest part of this mission is chastity because nobody marries, word of wisdom because of cafe, and the worst of all is Sabbath because here they work so hard to provide so they all work every day including Sunday. 

My area is sick, I’m next to a super pretty lake and I’m also like a 2-minute walk from the beach, so the ocean breeze feels good in my area and its super the tropical, all the fruit here is to die for. Ha-ha two nights ago was crazy because a million bees found ways through holes and cracks into our room. Literally like hundreds of bees were in there. so, my comp and I spent the whole night killing all of them with our shoes, a broom, and this fly swatter. And then we taped up all the cracks and holes but I think I will be fine. Sometimes I will find a huge lizard in my room too ha-ha. 

Sunday I had to give a talk, I think it went well especially for being right off the spot. Over all a good week, we worked super hard and got 18 new investigators and 11 accepted baptismal invites. And yes, I got the package and I’ll wait until Christmas Have a great Thanksgiving,

Eu Amo Vocês!

Elder Toma

Shower and laundry drying line

Luxurious accommodations!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Arrival in the mission field! Welcome to Maceio'

Made it safe.  I'm in Macieo and its so crazy. Sao Paulo was first world and it's very different here. I'll have more detials on Monday my new Pday.


Elder Toma

Maceió, 18 November 2016

Dear Parents and Family Members of Elder Toma,

            Greetings from the Brazil Maceió Mission.  Your son has arrived recently and we are sending to you a picture of his first day in the mission.  We thank you for allowing your son to serve with us for these next two years.  The first few weeks in the mission are at times difficult, but he is very excited to confront these challenges. We are thankful for your participation in his preparation. Without doubt, he will do a great and marvelous work among the beloved people of Alagoas and Sergipe.

            Please, if possible, always write to your son. All letters and packages sent to your missionary should be sent to the mission office. The missionaries should write to their parents once a week. This is a mission rule. Each missionary will be allowed to call home two times per year; Christmas and Mother´s Day. Our mission office address is the following:



AV. Dom Antonio Brandão, 333 Sala 402
Ed. Work Center – Farol
Maceió, AL
Telefone: (82) 3336-5558

            Thank you very much for supporting your son in this sacred work. Many of Heavenly Father´s children will become members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints through your son´s sacrifice and diligent work. We know that he as well as you will be blessed for his service. We will do our best to help your son reach his dreams and establish God´s kingdom in this part of the Lord´s vineyard.


President  Henrique Gomes Júnior                                     Sister Maria Aparecida Gomes

Saturday, November 5, 2016

November 2, 2016 Only two weeks left in the MTC!!

Dear Family,

This week has been pretty good. We are now the oldest group here and im dying to get out! Im glad everyone is doing good! My week so far has just been the same old. Im teaching two investigators a day and then i do splits and teach two other investigators. I also have trc where i teach a member or instructor and those are pretty tough because its random so you never get time to prepare. 

I love this mission because its like everyday i realize the gospel is more and more important. This is your life, its more then just going to church its giving it your all, so many people here are so worried about their  home life and call their old life "real life" but i think this is the closest to real life anyone would ever be. The mission is living close to God and to me that is what living is about. 

I miss you guys but this is already the best decision of my life without even being out in the field. I know it will get harder but that will only make me stronger.

I love you guys, Tell everyone i said hi.


Elder Toma